Senin, 10 September 2018


Hello dear blogger followers, I continue to present innovations in the world of blockchain. The project I'm going to talk about today is to build on the ethereum network to get a real live requirement. Everyone has different expectations of life, but we like to have a lot of luxury and travel. If we have enough cash in our pockets, we do not want to go through that troublesome process of getting on board any plane. The Volar project is opening the doors of your journey with jets. Volaire can offer you the luxury and lifestyle you have not been able to reach before. VolAir will bring together those who want to use private jet with a private jet company on a single platform. Yes, you do not hear the wrong application with your phone in private jets, you will be able to allocate space for yourself.
You have agreed with a jet company that thinks, and the jet that came for you completed your happy journey without showing your different output journey. Who can help you? VolAir promises you superior service quality and customer satisfaction. He wants to make life in your dreams come true. Who knows, maybe one day you can actually travel to the Moon.
VolAir will allow people to make their own jet flights. Reserving with VolAir will be very easy and you will be able to pay with VOL tokens without having to deal with the bulky systems of the banks. At the same time, you will save by capturing affordable prices and last-minute deals for flights with the application of the project.
VOL tokens in your wallet, you can benefit from 4 different awards programs. If you hold 25.000 VOL buckets in your wallet for 3 months, 0.5%, 500.000 VOL buckets stay in your wallet for 3 months and you get 2%.
VolAir has the capacity to provide you with the best customer service, regardless of the membership fee. The most interesting thing is that no matter how much you use private chat jets, you are rewarded with Volair customer loyalty awards and these awards are published in VOL tokens to be exchanged for fiat, flight or bet on integrated VOL portfolios to reach higher. levels and get more benefits.
And we will give you a more personal service, we will reward you and we will increase the number of partners in the luxury lifestyle industry. Our customers prefer not to allow sharing your data with our partners, and you can also get advanced sales analysis. To help you better understand how you will reach these customers. This, of course, returns to our customers in terms of service and is rewarded in VOL coins with an agreement to share this information.
Blockchain technology changed the view on traditional price currencies as it enabled the mining of decentralized numerical currencies. The introduction of Bitcoin changed the world and became the gold standard. As some providers are associated with reputation issues, it is still evident that the acceptance of cryptographic money among the wider public is still challenging. The general transition to digital currencies is slow and this breakthrough technology has not yet reached its full potential. Blockchain is just one direction of the crypto currency. Blockchain technology has a wide range of applications and simplifies business and transaction processes, provides transparency and security, eliminates central agents and reduces transaction costs.
Project team:

Here are links to more information about the project:
Official website:

Author : Anggita dewi

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