Jumat, 04 Juni 2021



What is Bamboo Token

Forests throughout the world are fast vanishing and being replaced by dry, desolate wastelands as a result of climate change. This is an issue not just for animals, but also for local people who rely on the forest's natural resources for subsistence. You may rest easy knowing that your money is going to help solve a worldwide problem when you invest in Bamboo! We can help give job opportunities for local people, aid in forest restoration, and promote sustainable forest management practises for future generations by forming collaborations with top forest restoration groups.


The cryptocurrency of the future is Bamboo Token. With its hyper-deflation feature, this token is supposed to be dynamic. It ensures that the number of tokens continues to grow in the future, and each transaction is subject to a ten percent commission that is split fairly among the holders. Each transaction generates a set amount of BNB, which is then used to plant trees through the OneTreePlanted fund, making transactions carbon-free. It is also advantageous to society to include this idea. This initiative has resulted in a very strong cryptocurrency that is ready for adoption by enterprises who do not want to employ energy-intensive alternatives. In the following post, we'll go over some more features.


Our Goals

Consider a DEX for charity-focused tokens, where investors can be confident that the cash earned will go to the intended recipients.


Our prospects are good. The Anji Ecosystem will be a haven for those who wish to put their money into charity-related tokens. Future token developers will have no trouble creating ANJI-20 tokens, and investors will have piece of mind knowing that the charity funds generated will be distributed as promised.


The trading pair for this DEX will be SafePanda, and the first token to be launched will be Bamboo.


Why Bamboo?
A currency with a long-term future.
With its hyper-deflationary function, this coin is designed to be dynamic. This ensures the token's long-term growth, and each transaction is charged a 10% fee that is evenly dispersed. Each transaction generates a certain quantity of BNB, which is then used to plant trees with the OneTreePlanted foundation, making transactions carbon neutral. This results in a strong cryptocurrency that is ready for adoption by enterprises who do not want to utilise energy-intensive alternatives. More features will be exposed with future improvements.


Invest In Something Good.
The team and our investors explore unreached territories in the crypto space. We believe you vote with your money and we provide the opportunity for new investors to vote for good while reaching their financial goals.


With every transaction made, the earth is made a little bit better. That is thanks to the amazing work of the WWF and OneTreePlanted. New investors are joining a movement of holders reach the moon, but still have a positive impact back here on earth.


LP Acquisition, Hyper Burn, Donation, Expenses
Bamboo works by using 10% of every transaction and evenly distributed.

LP Acquisition :

A portion of the transaction is collected in Bamboo and sold into BNB. That BNB is married up with the remaining of Bamboo and deposited back into the PancakeSwap liquidity pool.

Hyper Burn :

A portion of the transaction is sent to be burned forever. 25% of the total supply is burned on genesis.

Donation Pool :

A portion of the transactions is collected by the Bamboo contract and sold into BNB that is reserved to be collected by the Charity Wallet.

Expenses Fee :

A portion of the transaction is sold into BNB and reserved in the contract to be collected by an expenses wallet for use in marketing, promotion and business expenses related to Bamboo.


SafePanda thrives in the Anji ecosystem. A token that is beautifully designed to reward long-term investors. Holders have a peace of mind knowing that their wallet is forever growing when holding SafePanda thanks to static rewards and a staking opportunity to accumulate Bamboo. Each transaction has a 10% fee which is distributed in 4 ways.

4% Liquidity Acquisition
3% Static Rewards
2% Panda Adoptions
1% Expenses


Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on earth that soars in the Anji ecosystem. This token is constructed to be dynamic with its hyper-deflationary function. This supports the tokens consistant growth into the future. Each transaction has a 10% fee which is distributed in 5 ways.

2% Liquidity Acquisition
2% Burned Forever
2% Tree Planting
2% Expenses
2% Staking


Symbol : $BMBO
Total Supply : 1,000,000,000,000,000
Genesis Burn : 250,000,000,000,000
Pancake SWAP LP : 250,000,000,000,000
Presale Allocation : 400,000,000,000,000
Marketing : 100,000,000,000,000


Our Roadmap
Phase 1 : Launch

Successful Launch
Adopt our first Pandas!
Smart Contract Audit
Establish Admin & Mod team
Refine community platforms
Develop Social Media channels
Begin development for future
Expand our Core Dev team
Establish our Social Media team
Phase 2 : Develop

Adopt more pandas & plant trees
Focus on community growth
Strategic marketing campaigns
Seek influencer campaigns
CMC & CG Listing
List on exchanges
Advertising partnerships
Develop autonomous donation contract
Begin e-commerce function development
Phase 3 : Expand

Adopt more pandas and plant trees
Expand Core Dev & Admin Team
Enter the NFT space
Seek animal conservation partnership
Seek retail partnerships
Core Team sanctuary visit
Begin development on education platform
Phase 4 : Implement

Adopt more pandas and plant trees
Optimise our team and infrastructure
Integrate with first retail applications
Launch education platform
Integrate education services
Begin community project
First ever charity focused DEX


Learn More:

Website Bamboo : http://www.bamboo.anji.eco/

Website SafePanda: https://www.safepanda.net/

White paper : https://www.bamboo.anji.eco/white-paper

Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/SafePanda/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/safepandatoken

Discord : https://discord.gg/safepandatoken

Instagram : http://www.instagram.com/safepandatoken

TikTok : http://tiktok.com/@safepandaofficial

Telegram Bounty : https://t.me/Tokensfund_io



Bitcointalk Username: Brigitta Cynthia

Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2852199

Telegram Username: @BrigittaCynthia

BSC Wallet Address: 0x2d78c6d1c1eeac16d75d9b59aa6250209595153d

Greeneum Network

Greeneum Network

GREENEUM creates the world's most advanced network to drive the production, distribution and consumption of GREEN, renewable, sustainable energy including solar, wind, hydro and thermal.


The GREENEUM network uniquely measures, verifies and incentivizes efficient and environmentally sound behavior across the supply chain to benefit present and future generations.


GREENEUM Global Energy Networks (GREENEUM) are designed to leverage targeted artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain technology, IoT and smart contracts. Our vision is to create and grow a decentralized and sustainable energy marketplace that enables intelligent monetization of peer-to-peer (P2P) energy and data transactions in real time.


What is the Greeneum Network?

GREENEUM blockchain network is a decentralized energy network, allowing producers, consumers, traders, utility companies and other stakeholders to interact freely, securely which strenthens transparency and trust. GREENEUM changes the way energy is recorded, distributed, transacted and used.


Greeneum technology is already delivering results internationally. Our pilot programs consult key energy industry players, government bodies and leaders in academia. Together, we're changing the clean energy industry.


How will Greeneum achieve its vision?
The GREENEUM Energy platform is a complete solution to the current and future energy market. Our work ranges from a solar panel on a single rooftop to global scale production models. GREENEUM's platform includes three key features:


Greeneum's Net Features:
Blockchain and smart contract technology to record (meta-data) and validate energy production and consumption.

GREENEUM's AI / Machine learning algorithms to analyze and produce insights and accurate predictions that allow grid and storage optimization.

GREEN is a newly introduced cryptocurrency monetizing renewable energy token, based on Ethereum and EOS.


Greeneum's Net products:
Pure sine wave solar inverter
19-inch rack structure, easy to install and save space
Output power factor 1 With AC automatic restart and lithium battery activate function Built-in MPPT Solar controller
Battery equalization function to optimize battery performance and extend the lifecycle
Inverter running without battery
Built-in anti-dusk kif for harsh environment .parallel operation with up to 9 units


Greeneum (Green) Token Swap to BEP20
Greeneum is announcing a successful deployment of Greeneum BEP20 smart contract after an intensive development and a successful audit process.


What is Binance Smart Chain (BEP20) ?
Binance Smart Chain provides faster and cheaper transactions than most blockchains and allows developers to port from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain with ease.


GREEN BEP20 the BSC (Binance Smart Chain) Network, users can enjoy transactions of funds seamlessly and provide efficiency Greeneum smart energy P2P applications.


BEP-20 is a token standard on Binance Smart Chain that extends ERC-20, the most common Ethereum token standard. Like BEP-2 tokens on Binance Chain, BEP-20 token transfers are fuelled with BNB. This provides an incentive for validators to include the transactions in the blockchain, as they’ll collect the BNB as a fee. However, these fees are cheaper, and the transaction executes faster and much consumes less energy compared to the ERC20 network.


Greeneum's tested and validated software as a service (SaaS), application programming interface (API), and secure internet of things (IoT) enables management, intelligent prediction, optimization and value trading for new and existing energy market stakeholders

using real-time machine learning and some advanced validation, Greeneum monitors and


Token Details:
Token name: GREEN
Total Supply: 1 Billion
Token Type: ERC-20
Available for sale: 250,000,000 GREEN
Receive: ETH

Under a 100% renewable scenario based on these numbers, millions of jobs will be created. Consider that the 3.9 million construction jobs and 2 million operational jobs in renewable energy plants will exceed the 3.9 million jobs lost from the traditional energy sector.


30.9% - land wind
19.1% - offshore wind
30.7% - utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV)
7.2% - rooftop PV
7.3% - concentrated solar power (CSP) with storage
1.25% - geothermal
0.37% - tides / waves
3.01% - hydroelectric power



To conclude:
GREENEUM has a global GREEN community acting to create a clean energy market, a global GREEN community, a global energy data platform, an energy market distribution and energy security democracy and pseudonyms. Ultimately, through the GREENEUM platform, stakeholders in the energy market will be able to drive efficiency, save millions and influence the global renewable energy market.

For more detailed information, please contact the link below:

Website: https://www.greeneum.net/

WhitePaper: https://www.greeneum.net/whitepaper

Twitter: https://www.greeneum.net/whitepaper

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GreeneumNetwork/

Exchange: https://www.probit.com/app/exchange/GREEN-USDT/

Telegram Group: https://t.me/GreeneumNetwork/

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/GreeneumNetworkChannel


Bitcointalk Username: Brigitta Cynthia
Telegram Username: @BrigittaCynthia
Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2852199
Bep20 Wallet Address: 0x2d78c6d1c1eeac16d75d9b59aa6250209595153d



Što je RushMoon?

RushMoon je automatska farma prinosa za prikupljanje likvidnosti i AMM decentralizirana razmjena koja radi na Binance Smart Chain-u s puno jedinstvenih i kreativnih značajki koje vam omogućuju zaradu i pobjedu. Potpuno podržavamo ulaganje CAKE-LP v2.


Značajke RushMoon:
1. Automatska likvidnost

Svaki prijenos RUSH-a mora platiti 5% poreza na transfer. Porez na promet od 4% dodaje se u bazen likvidnosti kroz ugovor kako bi se kontinuirano povisivala najniža cijena. A likvidnost će biti zaključana i nepristupačna.

2. Automatizirano sagorijevanje
Kao što smo gore spomenuli, svaki prijenos RUSH-a mora platiti 5% poreza na prijenos. Porez na prijenos od 4% bit će dodijeljen za automatsko stjecanje likvidnosti. A ostatak poreza na promet od 1% odmah će se spaliti. Cijeli postupak je automatski.

3. Zaključavanje žetve Zaključavanje
žetve jedinstveni je mehanizam zaključavanja nagrada koji se koristi za ograničavanje učestalosti žetve. Dizajniran je kako bi spriječio da poljoprivredni arbitražni botovi neprestano beru i bacaju.

4. Redistribucija naknade za polog Naplata depozita
od 4% naplatit će se kada korisnici uđu u ulog na RushMoon, planiramo koristiti naknadu za polog za dodavanje više sredstava za povrat likvidnosti. To osigurava umjesto uklonjene likvidnosti RUSH otkupnog fonda.

5. BuyBack
Svaki put kad se zove ova funkcija uklanja se 2% likvidnosti, a likvidnost se zatim dijeli na BNB i RUSH. Tržište BNB kupuje RUSH. Ostatak ~ 99% RUSH-a zatim se spali ~ 1% RUSH-a koji se šalje pozivatelju funkcije radi poticanja korisničkog trošenja plina.

6. Program preporuka
Implementiran je mrežni program preporuka koji potiče korisnike da pozovu prijatelje da se pridruže poljoprivredi. Pozivači mogu zauvijek zaraditi 1% zarade svojih prijatelja.

7. Nema migracijskog koda Migracijski
kôd iz MasterChef ugovora je uklonjen.

8. Timelock
Timelock je dodan pri pokretanju.

9. Poticaj trgovanju
Planiramo dodati mehanizam poticanja trgovanja na vlastiti AMM dex. Korisnici mogu zaraditi tokene trgujući na RushMoon-u. No, različito od tradicionalnog rudarstva za trgovanje, nagrade na trgovini RushMoon mogu biti različiti tokeni. Ostali projekti mogu pružiti vlastite tokene kao nagradu za određene trgovačke parove. Više detalja o tome bit će objavljeno kasnije.

token Ime: RushMoon
token Simbol: RUSH
Ugovor Adresa: 0xff96ce2cc0d20dA0250A63BDca2B568F52a5bC71
Lanac: Binance Smart Lanac (BEP20)
Maks Supply: Neograničeno


poreza na transfer
Stopa izgaranja: 1% poreza na transfer odmah će se spaliti.
Automatska stopa likvidnosti: 4% poreza na transfer dodaje se u LP fond i zaključava.
Ukupna stopa poreza na transfer: 5% od svakog prijenosa


Stopa emisije
1000 RUSH / blok
28.800.000 RUSH / dan
9,09% za razvojni tim kako bi se osigurao bitan rast projekta


Datum početka pretprodaje: 23. svibnja 12:00 UTC, potreban je bijeli popis.
Popis dopuštenih otvoren do pokretanja pretprodaje.

Pridružite se bijelom popisu:  https://rushmoon.finance/presale

Održava se izravno na rushmoon web stranici, da biste sudjelovali Povežite svoju metamasku, unesite iznos BNB-a koji želite poslati i kliknite Kupi. RUSH tokeni će se trenutno vratiti putem našeg pretprodajnog ugovora. Ne koristite račune za zamjenu ili nemojte BNB poslati izravno u pretprodaju.


Odbrojavanje se može pogledati na web mjestu.

Nagrada za preporuku od 5% BNB-a distribuira se odmah putem ugovora o pretprodaji. Stvorite svoj referalni link ispod okvira za pretprodaju na  https://rushmoon.finance/presale

Softcap: 50 BNB
Hardcap: 200 BNB
Maks. Trajanje: 6 sati


Detalji Pretprodaja:
Cijena: 1 BNB = 750.000 RUSH
palačinka popis cijena: 1 BNB = 650.000 RUSH
palačinka popis Datum: Immadierty nakon teško kapa susreo ili 23 Svibanj 18:00 UTC
Maks kapa po novčaniku - 3,750,000 RUSH žetoni (~ 5 BNB-a) br minimalno .


Žetoni su zaključani do kraja pretprodaje.
Početak poljoprivrede u bloku: # 7667919 i Otkup će se aktivirati odmah nakon pretprodaje.

Likvidnost zaključana na RUSH ugovoru na 90 dana. Za dokaz pročitajte funkciju "LPLocked", zatim unesite RUSH-ovu adresu ugovora i kliknite upit za LP otključavanje Unix vremena.


Svi neprodani tokeni bit će spaljeni prije lansiranja na Palačinka. RUSH kovano na početku i distribuirano na sljedeći način;
500.000.000 RUSH Izgorjelo na 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD (nije poslano na CZ ili Vb)
475.000.000 RUSH Pretprodaja
10.000.000 RUSH za RUSH-BUSD LP bazen
5.000.000 RUSH Airdrop
5.000.000 RUSH Bounty
5.000.000 RUSH Twitter natječaji



Projekt pokretanje pretprodaje (bijela lista
otvorena je 7 dana)
Revizija (u tijeku)
Prijavite se za registraciju na Coinmarketcap, Coingecko, DappRadar, BscScan itd.
Poljoprivreda (6 sati nakon završetka pretprodaje
Twitter natječaja - ulog RUSH-LP) uskoro započinje
partnerstvo - započet će odmah nakon pokretanja

AMM - 30 dana nakon pokretanja
Deaktivacija svih LP-slastičarnica - 3 dana nakon AMM izdanja
Dodaj RUSH-LP Farm - 3 dana nakon AMM izdanja
Initial Farm Offering - 15 dana nakon AMM izdanja
AMM Trading Mining (Trgovanje na RUSH za nove tokene ) - 30 dana nakon izdavanja AMM-a

AMM API Krajnja točka
AMM Analitika
Trgovačka marža Zamjene
fiksne stope
Binarne opcije


korisni linkovi

Web stranica:  https://rushmoon.finance/

Dokumenti:  https://docs.rushmoon.finance/

Bscscan:  https://bscscan.com/address/0xff96ce2cc0d20da0250a63bdca2b568f52a5bc71

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/RushMoonBSC

Srednji:  https://rushmoon.medium.com/

Telegram Ann:  https://t.me/rushmoonofficial

Github:  https://github.com/RushMoonBSC



Bitcointalk korisničko ime: Brigitta Cynthia
Telegram korisničko ime: @BrigittaCynthia
Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2852199
BEP-20 Novčanik Adresa: 0x2d78c6d1c1eeac16d75d9b59aa6250209595153d

Kamis, 03 Juni 2021

Getti Bet - Decentralized fair betting platform built on top of the Binance Smart Chain.

Getti Bet - Decentralized fair betting platform built on top of the Binance Smart Chain.

About the Getti Bet Project?

Getti Bet is a decentralized fair betting platform built on BSC (Binance Smart Chain). Supported by our SafeGetti utility token. Earn 5% of all transaction fees and many more bonuses! In the near future, the developer of this token will release three games where you can make money. The first head and tail game, where you need to guess how the coins will fall, the winnings, if the situation is right, will be your 1.98 betting odds. Pretty good chance to try your luck. However, be careful because gambling is not a good business to make money. There is a risk of losing it. Therefore, always control your emotions. And everything will be fine.



Over the centuries, Gambling / Betting has proven to be very flexible and adaptive to innovation, the development of games with online betting in today’s times is very rapid. And in the world of betting, of course the exchange of value is paramount after the game itself. Betting applications developed on certain platforms will be very efficient, especially on platforms that are able to process transactions quickly and at low fees such as a decentralized fair betting platform built on the Binance Smart Chain.


Three Games Launching Soon!
1. Coinflip:
Heads or tails, 50/50 chance of winning, each bet pays the winner 1.98x of their bet.

2. Roll a Dice:
Bet on numbers 1-6, winning bet pays 5.96x of bet.

3. Two Dice:
Bet on any number 2-12, winning bet pays 35.64x of bet.


Learn more about SafeGetti Token
70% Burn
We’ve sent 70% of the SafeGetti token to the black hole forever. This burn wallet also earns fees meaning the supply is ever reducing on each transaction!

Fully Audited
By the time we launch our pre-sale we will be fully Audited so investors can invest in peace!

Ownership Renounced
We will renounce ownership once our pre-sale ends, to give confidence to the community that no further smart contract token changes can be made!

LP Token Locked
We will lock liquidity pool tokens (LP) for 256 Years with Unicrypt! Giving power and confidence back to the community and investors.


A decentralised fair betting platform built on Binance Smart Chain
Launchpad AMM: PancakeswapV2
Contract address: 0xEe92A0E9AdcecCA4530Fa32927168ac761403b58


Unique SafeGetti Token
Learn more about the mechanics of the SafeGetti pre-sale

Liquidity Lock Rate: 50% BNB raised liquidity lock
time: 265 years
Presale Price: 248.750.000.000 SafeGetti / per BNB
Listing Price: 186.562.500.000 SafeGetti / per BNB
Burned: 70% of Supply
Soft Cap: 150 BNB
Hard Cap: 800 BNB
Max Spend per Account: 8 BNB
Platform: Unicrypt
Audit: Yes
LP Lock: Yes – 256 Years
Instant Trading: Yes – Pancakeswap
Start: Sun 23 May 15:00
End: Tue 1 Jun 14:56
Total supply: SafeGetti


SafeGetti Tokenomics
For sale: 19.9%
Liquidity: 7.3
team token/other: 72.4%
Total supply: SafeGetti

Don’t just be an investor Be a player!
Getti Bet allows everyone to play fair betting games using just a Metamask wallet and earn BNB all managed by smart contracts! Earn up to 35x your bet with Getti Bet. And remember 50% of all revenues will be used to buy back and burn SafeGetti tokens!


it is good
Liquidity lock duration is 265 years
Listing price is higher than presale price


it is not good


About the team


There isn’t a White Paper. According to their website:
“5% transaction fee distributed holders.”
“Great online betting games with a buy-back and burn integration.”
About dev wallet: 70% of total supply was burned. Now, the team holds 2,5% of total supply. Small dev wallet is good. But 50% liquidity lock rate is a little small.


They say they will create betting games on their website. But currently there is no live game.

It’s not good that there is a big difference between softcap and hardcap. Because if the amount close to the hardcap is not collected, the price of the token may drop significantly at the beginning of the market.


#Airdrop #Crypto #BNb #BNB #BSC #crypto #Airdrops #cryptomate


For more information About GettiBet Project

Official Website: https://www.gettibet.com/

Telegram Group: https://t.me/getti_bet

Telegram Bounty: https://t.me/getti_bet


Join Pre-Sale: https://unicrypt.network/amm/pancakev2/ilo/0x8cc4f2216B7d99730AdAe274c0bb3210111Fe44c

BSC Scan: https://bscscan.com/token/0xee92a0e9adcecca4530fa32927168ac761403b58


Bitcointalk Username: Brigitta Cynthia
Telegram Username: @BrigittaCynthia
BSC Wallet Address: 0x2d78c6d1c1eeac16d75d9b59aa6250209595153d