Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2018

Scavo Technologies


The commercial model of the SCAVO token is the base for SCAVO technologies. SCAVO tokens acquired by the investors have other values. These tokens of the investors symbolize their part in the mining farm. So these tokens bring them to profit from the mining farm for life. They aim to build self-sustaining and scalable mining centers using renewable resources for power generation. The distribution of SCAVO tokens in the Initial Coin Offering will bring financial strength to SCAVO technologies. Then, they will finance the construction of the entire system of mining center. The estimated maximum amount of money raised will be 83,600,000 dollars. And the minimum amount will be 500,000 dollars. SCAVO technologies is a company based in Argentina. They specialize in the construction of telecommunications data center infrastructure for crypto mining using renewable resources. They aim to build the large-scale crypto mining farm of Bitcoin and altcoin.


The SCAVO token is an ERC20 token based on smart contract on the Ethereum network. It is highly backed by mining hardware as well as other equipment in the system. The tokens are given to investors. The acquired tokens in return give the investor profit from the mining farm. The token holders are benefited from every other benefit from the farm.

Global Energy Framework

✅ Energy consumption in the IT ecosystem
Recent founding suggests that the IT sector is a major energy consumption sector in the world. The estimated amount is 1400 to 1600 Twh. It is 10% of the electricity generated worldwide. China and USA are the leading energy-consuming countries in the world. By 2030 the energy price will rise. Also, cloud computing will consume energy in vast numbers in 2030. According to cloud computing, the fastest growing application is the mining of cryptocurrencies. The amount of energy consumed by Bitcoin and Ethereum are heavy too. The energy efficiency is overtaken by transaction, minors and the market cap. Only those who can access electricity safely at affordable prices can work better in the IT sector.
✅ Global Electricity Market
Although the world is developing fast still there are differences between the supply of electricity in developing countries and developed countries. For the next 30 years, the demand for electricity will rise by about 70%. The production of electricity for the future will mostly cover by fossil fuels. In the future electricity will be governed by new technologies like multiple intelligent actors creating a better equilibrium.


The energy supply is the major dependent of the crypto mining business. Thus, price and availability of electric power are important for the crypto mining. This has led to the search for low-cost energy in the mining operations. The main way is to get energy from fossil fuels. This action of countries with low socio-economy has led to climate changes and harmful effects. Dirty energy supply along with some countries intervention in mining has caused manipulation. This has opened miners into problems of fluctuations in energy prices and regulatory changes. SCAVO aims to use conventional energy independently by generating energy from renewable energy sources. This mainly focuses on solar energy. Thus, SCAVO is a climate-friendly platform. It is more profitable and decentralized.

Three well-defined units

(01) Autonomous mining unit

a)  Mining center
b)  Refrigeration
c)  Supply
d)  Information control center
e)  Network video recording

(02) Energy generating unit

(03) Unified data center

Solar Resource

⭐️ Direct radiation
⭐️ Diffuse radiation
⭐️ Reflected radiation

Different types of solar panels

⭐️ Monocrystalline
⭐️ Polycrystalline
⭐️ Amorphous
⭐️ Thin sheet


With the vision to focus on self-sustainability, scalability and giving everyone the possibility to be an active part in decision making SCAVO ensures the future of blockchain technology. SCAVO intends to remove imbalance supply of energy and provides unbalanced distribution of energy over time and space. Thus, it will be another solution for the different energy prices in the market. Their own power generation stations are a long-term investment. Those who are willing to invest in the SCAVO project can have lifetime profit.
Find more details fro following links
Author : Anggita dewi


Hi, I'm going to talk about a bright stock market project for you today. The name of our new stock market is Eterbase. Its simple interface and user-friendly team aims to create a platform that you can not give up. Preparing to become a breath of fresh air for those who suffer from the problems of stock exchanges. The interface of the stock market seems to be superior to others with usability and sadness. I'm adding a cue to your browsing.
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All of the project team are experienced people for the long-running crypto world. People who are recognized in the crypto world are one of the important criteria for trusting a stock exchange.
The world's crypto platform is increasingly competing with others, realizing the decentralized nature of future project crypto projects. One of the Eterbase hospitality platforms is a European-based crypto-money exchange shopping platform that fits into the rules of providing fast and secure transactions in a clean system. Come join us and find out how it works.
The team of this project has devised a platform of exchange with the quality of the commercial experience, which is far from the best quality in the first wave of digital asset exchange. With its user-friendly interface, Etherbase wants to serve its customers as much as possible in order to buy / sell and place orders on some original technical analysis systems. The system is designed to make the interface very attractive in terms of functional and aesthetic progress. Interest in Etherbase has been transformed into a global low-latency trade exchange service using backup and horizontally scalable architecture for account management systems evolving in this Eterbase.
Extremely attractive services to the users of this platform The Eterbase platform and the following which should be known are low level, high speed and low level mapping systems as one of the services of this platform system. Delivery with high-speed internal broadcaster / client models and low latency. to store user data, and orders are automatically placed in the database to maximize the performance of this platform and architecture by combining it with auto-scaled leaf nodes and real-time market data and order management combined with asynchronous transaction processing.
Etherbase applies European regulatory standards for a European Money Agency or EMI. If successful, this will ensure that Etororbase provides a fully operational International Bank Account Number or IBAN. This means they can take away the European Economic Area (EEA), which includes 31 European countries. This will provide similar coverage and services for Etherbase as a European-based bank. The Eterbase Platform will maximize its services by publishing its card debts under the Etherbase "Electronic Money Agreement" license platform and will be integrated jointly with the SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) system. The EMI license also provides the role of services as cash withdrawal to the direct payment account. generally like banks.
Etherbase membership is based on Symbol Xbase, an ERC20 compliant icon providing a wide range of comprehensive access to the Etherbase exchange platform according to the desired level. Membership tokens can be used for discounts, products and services obtained through clearing, and can provide some services that reduce commissions and business costs the most. Our costs will be increased competitively against the other major stock exchange and will be updated regularly to reflect changes in market demand. It is possible to reduce trading costs by using the membership of the Xbase symbol.
Etherbase has an intuitive trading interface for exchanging orders with a structured concept and ordering for buying / selling and technical analysis. The platform, which provides the comfort of the interface system, is designed to be highly functional and attractive to its users.
Etherbase replacement has a very interesting advantage. One of these is a Sub-Account which aims to provide a high level of management for various digital assets for professional and institutional investors. In addition, social trade can create a different trading experience than others. In addition to market leaders, tradesmen have the opportunity to pursue and interact with top traders.
Not only does the Etherbase platform have the advantages of the system, but it also has a long experience in the finance industry and a variety of fields for the ETERBASE platform project, as well as being aware of the industry leadership challenges. The development of Krypton and this Team will always directly overcome these challenges and thus encourage the further development of the Etherbase platform. Etherbase is proud to work with you and a professional community, and we invite you to learn more about you to get to know you better:
Our consultants:
Author : Anggita dewi

Pocket Con

Pocket Con ist ein kostenloser täglicher Kongress für Chicagos Jugend und brachte Ihnen eine Partnerschaft zwischen der Chicago Public Library und LoKari Productions. Es konzentriert sich auf die Arbeit farbenfroher Künstler, insbesondere afroamerikanischer Schriftsteller und Künstler, sowie auf Comics mit schwarzen Figuren. Pocket Con hat auch Arbeiten im lustigen Genre von anderen wenig bekannten Gruppen wie Frauen, Latins, LGBT und anderen Minderheiten. Wir haben einen starken Glauben an Indie-Comics und -Publishing und freuen uns auf Zines-Autoren, die an geeigneten Formaten von Ausdruck und Interesse teilnehmen, wie zum Beispiel Web-Printing, Animation, Small-Budget-Filmherstellung, Videospieldesign usw.
Unsere Mission bei dieser Veranstaltung ist in erster Linie, die Alphabetisierung mit dem grafischen Format des Romans zu fördern, die Geschichte der rassischen und sexuellen Beschreibung in Comics und Filmen widerzugeben und Charaktere, Autoren und Autoren vorzustellen, die eine andere Stimme haben als Männer, meistens weiß. direkte Zeichen (hauptsächlich weiß, gerade und männlich), geschrieben von den Autoren von Comics. Gleichzeitig wollen wir junge Autoren und Künstler stärken, indem wir sie als kollaborativen Prozess präsentieren, der Comics schafft, und sie ermutigen, ihre eigenen Arbeiten in Wettbewerben zu produzieren und einzureichen.
Der Kongress beinhaltet "Maker Space", der Teenagern die Möglichkeit gibt, in verschiedenen Umgebungen zu experimentieren, von Laser-Vinyl-Etiketten über Karton- und Ledermasken bis hin zum 3D-Druck.
Siehe Pocket Con II Fotos, große Audiointerviews mit Pocket Con III oder unsere Kontrollinterviews Chu Illustrator Rob Gilori.
Ich habe nie nachgesehen. Wie es funktioniert?
In den meisten Fällen geschieht dies nur in einem Augenblick. In einem Meeting (kurz für Congress) passieren oft mehrere Dinge gleichzeitig. Sie können lernen, Comics zu zeichnen oder ein Gespräch über die Geschichte des Rennens in Comics zu hören. Jede Aktivität wird in einem eigenen Bereich sein. Sie wählen, was Sie tun möchten, aber manchmal kann es Einschränkungen geben, wie viele Personen sich für eine bestimmte Aktivität registrieren können.
Die Halle wird auch Tische für Veranstaltungen und Verkäufer haben. Sie können etwas Zeit mit Einkäufen verbringen oder kurze Aktionen an den Tischen versuchen.
Wie viel kostet das?
Pocket Con ist komplett kostenlos. Einige Aktivitäten / Gespräche können jedoch am besten für Jugendliche und Erwachsene geeignet sein, und sie werden auf diese Weise im Programm aufgeführt. Wir bitten Kinder unter 10 Jahren in Begleitung eines Erwachsenen.
Viele von euch können den Klang um die Blockkette in der Kunst hören, abgesehen von den unglaublichen Dingen, die sie der Kunstindustrie bringen kann. Sie lesen weiter und mit diesem technischen Trend erzählen wir Ihnen, wie Sie mehr Profit aus Ihrer Kunst / Malerei ziehen können.
Keine Werkzeuge mehr.
Werbeagenturen, Internetshops usw. Sie müssen den Vermittlern, wie diesem, die Provision zahlen oder einen Talentagenten finden, wahrscheinlich eines der ärgerlichsten Dinge, um sich glamourös zu machen.
PocketCon, erstellt von Gaia Online und basierend auf Blockchain, ermöglicht es Ihnen, ein Peer-to-Peer-Ökosystem zu erstellen. Das heißt, Sie können Ihre Kunden direkt treffen und Ihre Kreativität ebenso frei teilen, auch wenn Sie ein Freiberufler, Street Artist oder Rockstar sind.
Nutzer dominieren
Sie müssen nicht der Meinung anderer folgen, wie Produkte hergestellt werden sollen, oder sich auf andere Anforderungen für Ihre Produkte beziehen. Blockchain-basierte Plattformen sind mit Dezentralisierung und der Verhinderung von Zensur oder Hierarchie verbunden. Somit kann alles in den Händen der Plattformbenutzer liegen. Sie entscheiden wann und wann Sie veröffentlichen. Es ist wie ein Märchen, oder? Aber wir nennen es real.
Den ganzen Weg bis Pocketcon
Pocketcon, erstellt von Gaia Online, ist ein täglicher virtueller Fan-Vertrag von digitalen Videokünstlern und Fans, der funktioniert und sich mit der Blockchain verbindet. Ehrlichkeit und Partizipation bedeutet eine faire Wertänderung und Respekt für Transparenz, Rechte, Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei der Bereitstellung der Vereinbarung. Sie sind also in ein Ökosystem für jede digitale Kreativität eingetaucht.
Die Plattform wird von Gaia Online-Team, Anime und Manga-Themen-soziales Netzwerk, Forum und Spielfeld entwickelt. So bieten alle digitalen Videokünstler mehr Möglichkeiten, um die Belohnung zu erhalten, die sie verdienen, für all die Freude, die sie sammeln.
Einfacher Zugang zum Spotlight
Als Künstler kannst du deine Kreativität durch einen persönlichen Stand, wie zum Beispiel In-Game-Artikel oder beliebige digitale Inhalte, bewerben, teilen, präsentieren und verkaufen sowie mit deinen Fans und potenziellen Mitarbeitern kommunizieren, Spendenaktionen organisieren.
Als Fan und Sammler digitaler Kreativität können Sie engere Beziehungen zu Ihren Lieblingskünstlern aufbauen und direkt bestellen, was Sie für Sie tun möchten.
Es ist die perfekte Blockchain-basierte Plattform für Fan-Communities, die jedem Schöpfer die Möglichkeit gibt, an den richtigen Ort zu kommen und das Beste daraus zu machen. Wir kombinieren riesige Möglichkeiten für den Outdoor-Markt und Eigenwerbung mit flexiblen Community-Mechaniken, unterstützt von beeindruckender RPG-Unterhaltung.
Beschleunigen Sie das Wachstum Ihrer digitalen Content-Ersteller
PocketCon - dezentrales Ökosystem von digitaler Kreativität und Marktumfeld basierend auf Blockchain
Wir konzentrierten uns darauf, jedem Künstler und digitalen Schöpfer auf dem Planeten die gleiche Chance zu geben, an den Ort zu kommen - kein bescheidener Start oder ein vollwertiger Rockstar.
Große Entwickler digitaler Inhalte benötigen eine hochwertige Präsentation. Unsere Plattform ist hier, um den Job zu machen
Weitere Informationen in:
Author : Anggita dewi


What Is CryptoLancers platform
CryptoLancers platform is a decentralized peer-to-peer freelancing platform and CryptoLancers token for online payment services, it allows to link between project leaders and service providers by helping people bring innovative projects to life, and hire freelancers to deliver related work and services. CryptoLancers is going to solve many issues
For decades, freelance platforms have struggled to find the balance between the needs of the customer and the demands of freelancer developers, while server operators are stuck in the middle.
CryptoLancers makes it easy to pay and fast to receive and CryptoLancers offers the best service that meets the client's objectives and issues with the least expense and the best timing possible.
The CryptoLancers ecosystem uses distributed computing to solve transactions problems of online payment services, inherent in existing systems, in a single distributed peer-to-peer platform. Decentralized blockchain technology and smart contracts facilitate customers’ payment of project on a trust-agnostic platform, offering a greatly reduced risk of fraud and no counterparty risk.
  • Future Features and Projects
We have a lot more in store for the freelance market than just a freelancing ecosystem, but for everything precious, it’s worth building a good foundation.
Our main goal is to become an international platform and that our coins be on the top 10 ICOs in the market. We want to get our name out there so that we can reach not only the technically versed but the
casual people also.
Thereafter, we plan to connect our CryptoLancers platform to existing functional services and make it usable by anyone. We have also built our platform to be an easily extensible base layer for other projects in different fields and around the world.
Some of these features may change as we learn how the platform is used in the real world, and some may never make it off the drawing board. But we are a creative, innovative and experienced group in different fields.
  • What do clients want ?
Due to the diversity of the offer request, clients want the best offer that meets their expectations in terms of quality, price and time of completion. They want a help to set expectations that fits their projects.
They also want the total satisfaction of the result obtained at the end of the contract or the total outflow in the opposite case. The security of their projects is one of the essential requirements, for this, the follow-up of the work carried out is a primordial task.
Clients want quality servers and to be able to exchange easily and cheaply throughout the market without getting ripped off. But most of all, they just want to find everything in one secure platform!.
By investing, CryptoLancers allows platform publishers to assign tasks to the affected character. CryptoLancers provides several services in one platform using a fully distributed network and a very secure payment method.
Token info
Token CLT
Platform Ethereum
Type ERC20
Cryptolancer tokens current market analysis
Pre-sale 1 Price: $0.200
Maximum amount of tokens to be sold:
5,000,000 out of 100,000,000 (5%)
Minimum purchase amount: $10,000
Pre-sale 2 Price: $0.375
Maximum amount of tokens to be sold:
10,000,000 out of 100,000,000 (10%)
Minimum purchase amount: $1,000
ICO Price: $+ 0.498
Maximum amount of tokens to be sold:
22,500,000 out of 100,000,000 (22.5%)
Minimum purchase amount: 0.5 ETH
Cryptolancer tokens total softcap: $1,500,000
Cryptolancer tokens total hardcap: $11,250,000
Token Distribution
CryptoLancers will be distributed as widely as possible during a token distribution event at launch. The distribution will consist of keeping a well calculated number for the CryptoLancers team, as well as a private and public capped sale of tokens.
The meeting of the team of founders, developers, designers, and the team of security web to confirm the ideas of the decentralized freelancing platform
Start in the whitepaper and apply all the suggestions of the whole team.
Market analysis of the token and the study of:
  • All algorithm of token sell.
  • Platform.
  • Freelancing application cost.
The whitepaper has been completed.
Meeting conference with all interested investors and all the team.
Token pre-sale initiating over 45 days.
Listing CLT token on exchanges after one month of starting the pre-sale.
Defining and initial development of the platform structure.
Beta test version release.
The realization of the official version of the platform website.
Initial development steps of the blockchain technology.
Hard fork of CLT token distribution of all exchange.
Up here an explanation from me and to avoid all forms of fraud please look for accurate and reliable information or visit the Link I provide below:
Author : Anggita dewi

Catena Token

What Is Catena?
Catena is a decentralized trading platform that leverages the disruptive capability of blockchain technology to transform the global trade economy. Over the last three decades, global trade has significantly increased, both in volume and revenue. Despite alleviating the living conditions of many, the sector is still faced with challenges that inhibit the realization of its full potential. These are the issues that the Catena exchange intends to solve. The Catena executive team is made of seasoned professionals with vast experience in trading, manufacturing, technology, quality inspection and so on.

Market Overview
Over the years, trade has been a significant contributor to the growth and development of most economies worldwide. Since 2006, global merchandise exports have soared by over 32%, exceeding the $16 trillion mark last year. Similarly, commercial services exports have grown by a massive 64%, hitting the $4.8 trillion mark. Precisely, the enormous increase in global merchandise trading has been heavily influenced by manufactured goods and agricultural products. Catena believes that the introduction of new technologies will further spur this development.
Be the most reliable platform for global and internal transactions and be the first choice for all business transactions around the world.
Extending the possibilities of all companies with a strong platform and powerful tools to increase them
market coverage and ensuring their business activities. At the same time they open the doors for unlimited
opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses through transparency of market parameters
and low barriers to growth and prosperity
commercial economy.
The project:
Catena tends to use revolutionary technologies and algorithms that block
Use technology to create a reliable platform that will break and eventually change
work of the economy.
Catena is a decentralized trading platform and exchange, mainly based on
blockchain technology and introduces new algorithms and AI protocols to promote trade economics
Problems Catena Seeks To Solve
The most significant challenge in this sector is the high prevalence of fraud. Currently. Fraud accounts to an annual loss of $4 trillion, mainly due to the vulnerability of the existing infrastructure. As a result, affected institutions are often forced into declaring bankruptcy, or in severe cases, shutting down entirely. Usually, most fraudsters create open accounts, buy goods and services, but abscond from making payments. Besides fraud, the trading industry is also inconvenienced by problems in the supply chain. Such problems include unfavorable regulations, corruption, poor transport infrastructure, delayed deliveries, and so on.

The Catena DEX & COMAI Order Matching AI Solution
Firstly, the Catena trading platform will seek to eliminate the entry barriers and tackle the problems facing global trade. After providing a platform with small and medium-sized enterprises, Catena will shift focus to the provision of powerful instruments to facilitate the growth of the global trading market. While the platform’s architecture is mainly based on distributed ledger technology, it also incorporates aspects of Artificial Intelligence. Naturally, decentralized exchanges are difficult to establish due to their complexity. Nonetheless, the most notable advantage of such platforms is their independence, as they do not require a third-party service to hold investor funds. Instead, trades are facilitated directly between users suing the Catena platform. This, coupled with the immutability of the blockchain, makes transactions transparent and immune to fraud.

Catena Token ICO Details
Catena will conduct a token sale to raise capital for the implementation of this project. The Catena token is an ERC20 standard token based on the Ethereum blockchain. The total supply is capped at 250 million, and no additional tokens will ever be minted. Notably, the Catena token will be the only acceptable currency in the Catena ecosystem.

Token Distribution
58% – ICO
2% – ICO partners
15% – team
3% – early contributors and advisors
20% – resolution center
2% – bounty
Distribution Of Funds

13.3% – system development
37.6% – exchange platform
24.7% – barter ecosystem
13% – operation cots
6% – contingency and resolution center
For More Information Visit the following link:

Author : Anggita dewi



Al implementar la tecnología Blockchain y Smart Contracts, 433 Token Ecosystems cerrará la brecha entre las superestrellas del fútbol, ​​los jóvenes talentos y los fanáticos. Con la descentralización, aspira a hacer que los deportes más populares en la Tierra sean más transparentes, eficientes y democráticos.

Resumen del plan de negocios

El fútbol es, con mucho, el deporte más popular en el mundo. A partir de junio de 2018, hay más de 3 mil millones de fanáticos en todo el mundo, más de 300,000 clubes de fútbol (profesionales y aficionados) y 240 millones de jugadores activos. Veinte de los clubes de fútbol más valiosos con un valor total de US $ 33.8 mil millones (todos los años posteriores representan dólares estadounidenses), y generan $ 8.56 mil millones en ingresos al año (hasta 74% y 40% desde 2013). Las superestrellas son muy buscadas y muy bien pagadas. En 2017, Paris Saint-Germain pagó $ 263 millones para adquirir Neymar Jr. (tarifa de transferencia). Y, Lionel Messi mismo ganó $ 84 millones por salarios y bonos, sin incluir el apoyo en 2018.

Sin embargo, tan popular como el fútbol, ​​siempre hay una brecha entre superestrellas y fanáticos. Nunca ha habido una interacción directa. Y la popularidad de los deportes ha creado muchas organizaciones gigantes, que tienen un fuerte poder centralizado para dictar cómo se juega fútbol y quién tiende a triunfar en los deportes.

Nosotros, en Soccer Legends Limited, no solo amamos y jugamos al fútbol, ​​sino que también confiamos en la tecnología blockchain y Smart Contracts. La tecnología ha traído nuevas formas de pensar que son interesantes y funcionan en muchas industrias. Cómo verificar y almacenar datos ha aumentado la transparencia, la seguridad y la escalabilidad.Además, la capacidad de implementar Smart Contracts en la plataforma blockchain ha aumentado la confianza entre los usuarios y ha permitido muchas aplicaciones innovadoras.

A través de 433 Token Ecosystem, estamos decididos a llevar la tecnología de blockchain al fútbol, ​​haciendo que los deportes sean más transparentes y eficientes, al mismo tiempo, capacitando a los fanáticos del fútbol con habilidades que antes solo podían soñar. Al hacer esto por 3 mil millones de personas, confiamos en que 433 Tokens, a cambio, promoverán la tecnología blockchain y su aceptación en todo el mundo.

Nuestra pasión por hacer esto nos ha traído la asociación Global Legends Series (GLS), una liga de leyendas del fútbol retiradas. Todas estas leyendas son nombres conocidos, que han jugado profesionalmente al más alto nivel (Premier League, La Liga, Serie A ...) y ganaron muchos campeonatos de equipos y premios personales (Copa del Mundo, Champions League ...).


Mediante el uso de 433 Tokens, todos en el mundo pueden disfrutar del fútbol que nunca antes había existido. Él será capaz de:

participar en el desarrollo de la próxima superestrella,
interactuar con superestrellas y leyendas, y
tener voz en importantes decisiones futbolísticas

Para mas informacion contacte:


About  DNAtix

DNAtix   is a proposed genetic information platform where consumers, researchers, laboratories and health facilities will collaborate to make genealogy accessible, transparent and hidden. listing. To this end, DNAtix will use an advanced infrastructure and blockchain technology to provide services such as scanning, storing and exchanging digitized DNA data via direct-to-consumer platforms. .

The services provided by DNAtix include:

Some genetic tests

DNAtix will provide a range of lifestyle assessments and genetic evaluations that will be conducted in the form of individual trials or packaging.

High security

In general, blockchain applications are unbreakable. This ensures the confidentiality of the user’s genetic information.

Refer to the service provider

The DNAtix platform will automatically present the user to the appropriate service provider by analyzing the test results based on the solutions provided by a particular solution.

DNAtix Portfolio

DNAtix will develop an electronic wallet through which members will control and access payments on the DNAtix platform. In addition, this wallet will also store the genetic information of each specific user.


DNAtix is ​​developing the future ecosystem of genetics where consumers, researchers, laboratories and clinics meet to use and manufacture genetics in a more transparent, accessible, enforceable and secure way.


A state-of-the-art genetic platform based on the blockchain providing anonymous and encrypted genetic services, including the analysis, storage and transfer of digitized DNA sequences via a platform directly to the consumer.


DNAtix completed the first proof of concept (POC) test by transferring the complete genome sequence of a virus to the Ethereum block chain. This test is a key step and the company believes that this is the first time someone successfully transfers a DNA sequence to a blockchain.

DNAtix Token

This will be the only payment method accepted on the DNAtix platform. The total supply of these coins is fixed at 150 000 000 VND, which means that no additional token is issued. During the first year, 15% of DNAtix will be stored in the reserve account.

Sales token

DNAtix is ​​expected to launch an ICO in June 2018. During this event, 85% of the 150,000 DNAtix chips will be sold. The fundraising helmet is set at $ 30 million. Further details regarding the next ICO are not yet available on the project website.

ICO information

  • Token symbol: DNTX
  • The sale of chips begins: June 2018
  • Token price: $ 0.01
  • Total Supply: 150,000,000
  • Hard Cap: $ 30 million



Author : Anggita dewi Bitcointalk URL:;u=1690762
