Selasa, 31 Juli 2018

Alphateca: ambil perdagangan Internet ke level baru di level yang lebih tinggi

Halo teman-teman pembaca sayangku, dan teman-teman cryptography lagi dengan Stevano, kali ini saya akan berbicara tentang Alphateca yang akan membawa perdagangan Internet ke tingkat yang baru dan memberi Anda penggunaan terbaik dari cryptocurrency dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Apa itu Alphateca?
Alphateca es un cryptomarket global en el que cada usuario puede actuar como comprador y vendedor, vender o comprar todo tipo de bienes y servicios en todo el mundo, utilizando criptomonedas como medio de pago. Imagínate en 10 minutos sin moverte de tu casa, crea tu propia billetera personal, ve a Alphateca y con unos pocos clics configurados para la venta de tu tableta, automóvil, yate, tu propia canción o extraños artefactos de los populares juegos de computadora, en general, cualquier cosa ! Decenas de miles de personas ven su anuncio todos los días y a alguien le encantará. En poco tiempo, encontrará un comprador, obtendrá un pago por una moneda cifrada y podrá comprar de manera segura los productos que necesita de cientos de categorías en el mercado de cifrado.
La misión de Alphateca es llevar el comercio de Internet a un nuevo nivel y proporcionarle el mejor uso de la moneda cifrada en la vida cotidiana.
Ventajas de la plataforma:
• Todo en uno: muchos productos y servicios se recogen en una plataforma, que es muy conveniente de usar. Con unos pocos clics, puede encontrar el automóvil que le interesa, ponerse en contacto con su concesionario de automóviles y accesorios, servicio de mantenimiento, lavar su automóvil o incluso un salón de sintonía, todo sin salir de la plataforma.

• Di seluruh dunia: pembeli dan penjual dari seluruh dunia bertemu di satu tempat: di platform Alphateca. Dengan mengunjungi negara lain, Anda dapat dengan mudah menemukan barang dan layanan di kota atau wilayah Anda. Bayangkan betapa sederhananya akan membeli atau menyewakan semua yang Anda butuhkan tanpa komisi agen, atau kehilangan minat dengan mengubah mata uang negara Anda untuk lokal. Cukup pergi ke kota favorit Anda untuk bersantai, pergi ke Alphateca, pilih produk atau layanan perumahan, klik tombol "kontak penjual" dan penjual menerima peringatan langsung dari platform.
• Transaksi cepat dan murah: komisi jaringan untuk transaksi cryptocurrency akan jauh lebih rendah daripada mata uang bank. Karena berkurangnya biaya penjual, harga akhir barang juga bisa lebih rendah untuk pembeli. Transaksi bebas dan tidak kehilangan minat saat ditransfer ke negara lain. Cryptocurrency dikirim ke akun penjual dalam hitungan menit, terlepas dari jaraknya.
• Kenyamanan transaksi: semua alat transaksi yang diperlukan sudah ada di platform: pembelian cryptocurrency aman dan cepat dalam beberapa klik, konversi antara mata uang yang ada.
• Cakupan pemasaran yang luas: strategi pemasaran kami melibatkan periklanan online dan online secara bertahap di seluruh dunia dan penggunaan alat Internet yang kuat untuk promosi. Kami juga percaya pada pengalaman positif Anda saat menggunakan platform dan kami berharap Anda akan membagikannya dengan teman dan kolega Anda. 
• Desentralisasi: fitur kunci dari proyek global yang sukses. Transaksi Anda tidak bergantung pada jam buka bank, hari libur, dan akhir pekan. Teknologi Blockchain tersedia 24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu, dan memungkinkan operasi yang paling transparan, menjaga privasi pengguna.

• Layanan dukungan modern dibuat dalam bentuk panduan untuk mempertahankan platform yang mudah digunakan di semua tahap penyelesaian masalah. Anda tidak perlu membuat akun platform untuk mendapatkan bantuan; semua informasi tersedia tanpa otorisasi. Informasi yang berguna dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian berikut: pertanyaan yang sering diajukan; forum, di mana komunitas proyek menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan pengguna, sementara itu memperoleh reputasi dan pencapaian; dukungan langsung melalui cara yang nyaman; tutorial video tentang penggunaan situs web; bagian khusus untuk mitra; dan blog dengan ulasan inovasi.
• Layanan jaminan: pengguna platform selalu dapat menggunakan layanan jaminan untuk melakukan transaksi aman. Penjamin adalah perantara antara penjual dan pembeli. Dia memantau ketentuan transaksi dan merupakan tahap pertama arbitrase. Misalnya, Anda akan membeli logam mulia dengan cryptocurrency dan telah menemukan penjual di Alphateca. Saat menggunakan layanan Penjamin, transfer jumlah tersebut ke akun aman, yang dibekukan di akhir transaksi. Pembeli dan penjual melakukan transaksi; penjamin memonitor ketaatan semua kompleksitas dan pemenuhan semua kewajiban. Segera setelah hasil positif terjamin, cryptocurrency lolos dari akun yang dibekukan ke penjual, dan pembeli menerima logam mulia. Jika tidak,
Layanan pelanggan berguna ketika menyelesaikan perjanjian hubungan masyarakat atau mempublikasikan dengan tokoh-tokoh media dan pemimpin opini. Pembeli menyediakan penjamin dengan persyaratan untuk kreativitas: waktu, tempat dan konten, pemimpin opini (penjual) melakukan bagiannya dan penjamin mengawasi pemenuhan kewajiban kedua belah pihak.
• Layanan Pemotongan: pembeli memiliki opsi untuk menangguhkan pembayaran penangguhan untuk sementara waktu. Ini adalah sistem yang sepenuhnya otomatis, yang mentransfer cryptocurrency pembeli ke dompet aman dan mentransfernya ke penjual setelah periode (periode retensi). Kehadiran Hold dalam transaksi mencegah pembeli dari kecurangan, di satu sisi, dan menegaskan niat serius mereka kepada penjual di sisi lain. Pertahankan, misalnya, adalah alat yang hebat untuk merencanakan liburan dan penyewaan rumah. Penangguhan akan "dibebankan" secara otomatis pada hari kedatangan, jika pembeli tidak membatalkan pembayaran karena alasan apa pun.
• Lelang pribadi: penjual mana pun dapat memulai lelang pribadi dan mengirim undangan kepada orang-orang yang ingin dilihatnya sebagai peserta dalam transaksi. Misalkan Anda memiliki elemen langka, yang dapat menarik kolektor sempit. Anda mengisi halaman penerbangan; pilih waktu, kondisi dan jenis lelang - "pribadi". Di akun pribadi Anda, Anda akan menerima tautan langsung untuk berpartisipasi dalam lelang dan kemudian Anda dapat mengirimnya melalui email, SMS, telegram, atau di situs web kepada mereka yang Anda anggap tertarik. Pengguna tamu dapat membuat akun terenkripsi dan segera mengisinya, atau menggunakan akun yang sudah ada. Hasil lelang akan diumumkan kepada para peserta melalui email dan akun pribadi dalam platform.
• Kami telah menyiapkan kesempatan unik bagi peserta ICO untuk menerima dukungan dari situs web. Peserta yang membeli chip selama ICO menerima bonus serius sesuai dengan waktu dan jumlah dukungan. Kartu ATEC yang dapat ditransfer, yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk memindahkannya di antara akun, baik di dalam maupun di luar platform.
Selama peluncuran platform, akan ada layanan yang tersedia yang akan memungkinkan pengguna dengan token untuk menukarnya dengan cryptocurrency. Nilai tukar potensial akan disediakan oleh permintaan untuk layanan situs web. Setelah menyelesaikan ICO, biaya sebenarnya dari token untuk membeli layanan secara langsung akan menjadi $ 0,15, tetapi untuk peserta ICO kami, kami menawarkan kesempatan untuk membeli token di $ 0,075 dan menerima bonus besar.

Informasi Umum

Token: ATEC
Platform: Ethereum
Standart: ERC20
Jumlah: 177 juta ATEC
Harga: 1 ATEC = 0,075 USD
Pembayaran: ETH, BTC
Cap lembut: 1.000.000 USD
Hardcover: 10.000.000 USD


Kuantitas: 19.000.000 Tanggal ATEC
mulai: 06/15/2018
Penyelesaian: 06/25/2018
Bonus: 25%
Jumlah: 155.000.000 Tanggal ATEC
mulai: 07/01/2018
Penyelesaian: 08/01/2018
Bonus: 1-3 hari - 10%, 4-10 hari - 7%, 11-18 hari - 5%, 19-20 hari - 3%, 1-4,99 ETH - 5%, 5-9,99 ETH - 10%, dari 10 ETH - 15%

Distribusi token

> Bounty (1%)
> PreICO (13%)
> ICO (85%)
> Kartu hadiah (1%)

Alokasi dana dikumpulkan

> Perbaikan peralatan (10%)
> Dukungan hukum (5%)
> Fungsi pengembangan situs web (25%)
> Proyek perluasan geografis (45%)
> Acara offline dan amal (10%)
> Bonus tim (3%)
> Pesan (2%)

Сommunity 06/28/2018: (5.628 pengikut)> Telegram (40 Pengikut) (0,71%)

> Facebook (5.474 pengikut) (97,26%)
> Twitter (113 pengikut) (2,01%)
> Sedang (1 pengikut) (0,02%)


Peta jalan

1 Desember 2017
Kelahiran ide
15 Januari 2018
Platform prototipe
15 Maret 2018
mengubah ide menjadi tugas teknis
1 April 2018
koleksi semua anggota tim
1 Mei 2018
Versi alpha pertama dari proyek
22 Mei 2018
Presentasi pertama dari tim di Forum Expo
1 Juni 2018
Peluncuran teknis proyek
10 Juni 2018
Mulai versi produksi dengan fungsi layanan pembayaran, iklan pribadi, bagian moderasi dan layanan dukungan
14 Juni 2018
Pendahuluan toko, tunggu, lelang
15 Juni 2018
Peluncuran pra-penjualan, ekspansi ke Jerman, Prancis
1 Juli 2018
Peluncuran ICO, acara offline untuk mendukung proyek, menambahkan materi pelatihan ke situs
Juli 2018
Menarik toko ritel dan pembeli proyek, menambahkan aplikasi untuk iOS dan Android, memperluas geografi proyek ke Austria, Italia
Agustus 2018
Layanan ATEC dan layanan pertukaran token dimulai, program video / video ditambahkan ke proyek, pertemuan, pembelian bersama, dan perluasan geografis proyek ke negara-negara Skandinavia.
September 2018
Tambahkan webinar, alat periklanan baru, perluas geografi proyek ke Inggris
Oktober 2018
Persiapan untuk penjualan Tahun Baru, konfigurasi acara dengan penjualan tiket melalui situs, perpanjangan geografi proyek ke Jepang November 2018 - Perayaan acara, perpanjangan geografi proyek ke Turki, India
Desember 2018
Pengenalan kartu hadiah dan produk hadiah perusahaan untuk Tahun Baru
Q1 2019
Implementasi alat penjualan baru, penyusunan kategori "sewa barang / real estate", perpanjangan geografi proyek ke Amerika Latin
2Q 2019
Perluasan geografi proyek ke China
3T-4Q 2019
Adaptasi situs web untuk pembelian offline yang mungkin.
Saya merekomendasikan proyek ini karena proyek ini akan membawa perdagangan Internet ke tingkat yang baru dan memberi Anda penggunaan terbaik mata uang kriptografi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi tautan berikut:
Author : Anggita dewi
Bitcointalk URL:;u=1690762

Traxion ICO Review

traxion ico.jpg
Traxion is a rather interesting concept and cryptocurrency project that is trying to take full advantage of the Hyperledger Fabric, which is something that has been avoided by a number of projects, up until now. However, we clearly need to explore exactly what it is that they are planning on doing to determine if there is a future for it or if they are completely missing the point.

What is Traxion?

The main thrust of the project is as a bank using the blockchain and cryptocurrency whereby the Hyperledger Fabric is able to create a more seamless experience for anybody and everybody on the network. They state that you will be able to do everything you would expect to do at a normal bank, but with the added security of it being on the blockchain.
However, they are hoping to cover more than just being a bank as they are also aiming to help people to become more philanthropic at the same time. They plan on doing this by creating an environment where both profit and not for profit can come together in order to help one another and they believe that this is all thanks to the new developments in the technology that surrounds the blockchain that makes it all possible.

The Technical Aspect of Traxion

The new project is built on the Ethereum platform, so that in itself is a good start for its development. What they have done is create a number of different platforms that are all connected but also capable of operating individually.
What they have is a section for personal finance, another for fundraising, yet another for making payments and so much more. Each platform and product that they operate and produce will then appear on what is known as the Traxion Chain and it is hoped that it will allow people to connect and form a community with their products at the heart of it all.
Each transaction, whether it be personal finance products, insurance, investments or donating money to an organization, is controlled by the use of Smart Contracts. Their intention is to create a crypto-ready economy which is completely decentralized in nature and allows for a greater sense of control for the individual rather than them being told what has to happen and when.
Also, by using the blockchain, they are going to eliminate the need for third-parties which, in turn, reduces costs with these savings then being passed onto the customer rather than lining the pockets of the financial institution.
So, the actual process side of things runs along familiar lines with people stating what they want to do and the information being placed on the blockchain and public ledger. This cannot then be altered with the Smart Contracts that are in place providing a sense of security for each party involved in the transaction. From this point of view, they are doing nothing different from the norm.

The Advantages of Using Traxion

It is pretty clear that there are various advantages of using the platform that the project is seeking to create. Obviously, the security that comes with using this technology is huge, but aside from that, the way in which the different platforms are all inter-connected and yet also working independently is a good move.
The way that third-parties are removed from the equation is also an advantage as that alone can make a huge difference to the fees that have to be paid, and by using Smart Contracts there is less chance of you losing money due to a scam.

The Financial Aspect and the ICO

When it comes to the ICO, then they are only going to be accepting ETH as the cryptocurrency, but that is no surprise as it is based on the Ethereum platform. Also, there is no mention of a soft cap for this part, but there is a hard cap in place which has been set at 100,000 ETH. You should note that there is no mention of a minimum investment, and people from the United States are going to be faced with different restrictions should they wish to take part.
During the ICO, there is an exchange rate in place of 1 TXN equating to 0.00035 ETH and they have a total of 250 million tokens for sale during this phase which represents half of the total that have been produced. However, those that are not sold during the ICO will then be destroyed leading to the final number of tokens that will be in circulation.

Overall Conclusion About Traxion and the ICO

The products and project in general are certainly interesting, and at least they're attempting to do something that is slightly different from the norm even though it could be easy to get confused as to the different ideas and platforms that are available.
Furthermore, it is known that they have a strong team behind them with experience in the relevant areas, so that should help them to form a good foundation for the entire project that they can then build upon. This can make a difference as it should mean that their products are better prepared for the market, and there should be less issues surrounding them.
So, is this worthy of an investment during the ICO? Well, if they are able to link up to a number of financial institutions and banks, then this project does have real potential. They have also already launched a number of their own financial products, so this is clearly something that has been very well thought out and that should make a difference.
Overall, as there is no minimum investment, then this could very well be something that you want to just test the waters with as it does come across as there being very little to lose. Everything is obviously going to be a gamble, but at the end of the day this may have less risk than other projects.
Author : Anggita dewi

Araw - The Decentralised Payment for the E-Commerce Ecosystem

Araw Token

The ARAW platform aims to address the fundamental challenges currently affecting the e-commerce sector and cryptocurrency economies: -
  1. The existing reward systems are very restrictive and bundled with services.
  2. The rewards offered to customers are of small value (compared to overall shopping bill) and of limited nature

ARAW Ecosystem

ARAW Ecosystem

One of the key mission of the Araw project is to offer Unified Rewards System and marketing solutions for global e-commerce sector and aim to increase the customer base while building long term relationship with the customers and thereby increase the overall business growth.
The proposed e-commerce ecosystem on the Araw platform will accept both crypto and fiat currency. Customers will have a choice to make payments using fiat currency, Araw tokens or any other globally accepted cryptocurrencies for using the goods and services listed on Araw platform.
The Araw project through Araw tokens pursues to ensure that customers can make personal choices about their rewards. Thus Araw tokens will act as a problem solver along with its role as a solutions provider. Through the Araw ecosystem, customers will be better involved with loyalty programs and can receive more and better rewards for their consumption. Further, Araw tokens can be used as a medium of exchange within the rewards system.


Araw Token Solutions

The Araw platform provides practical solutions to the challenges described above affecting the e-commerce sector.
The primary solutions offered by the Araw platform are: -
  1. Unified Reward System - It aims to bring radical changes to the existing customer loyalty reward system by combining the shopping reward benefits of all retailers regardless of the product and focus on rewarding the customer with access to cryptocurrency market as well as a method of investment.
  2. Araw Card - Touch and Pay - It's a single card solution covering all the reward programs a customer may be interested in (as such, its a 1st of its kind in the United Kingdom). It allows customers to earn cryptocurrency in form of Araw tokens with their daily shopping along with the option to make payments using these accumulated Araw tokens.
  3. Araw Mobile Wallet - It will act as a user configured crypto bank where users can hold their Araw tokens. It will also act as an exchange where wallet users can exchange their Araw tokens for other cryptocurrencies (initially, it will be 'Bitcoin' and 'Ethereum').
  4. Araw Pay - It will be an open widget for accepting payments in Araw tokens and can be used by any vendors globally (online) like any other payment gateway systems.
  5. Open API Platform - With the open API platform, Araw platform' users don't need to know any programming language or codes to use the Araw ecosystem.


ARAW tokens are the utility tokens used on the ARAW ecosystem. The Araw ecosystem functions on the Ethereum Blockchain Network and the Araw tokens are ERC-20 compatible tokens. The Araw tokens are specifically designed tokens for the global e-commerce and payment industry. The Araw tokens will act as a legal tender for executing trades on the Araw platform and can also be used to purchase goods or to make settlements.
ARAW Token Fundraising Goals


Thus, the ARAW project is one of the revolutionary blockchain projects for the e-commerce sector, ensuring optimal satisfaction service levels for vendors and customers. With the features offered by ARAW tokens such as Unified Reward SystemTouch and Paye-Commerce Marketplace, vendors can engage with their customers in a more convenient and economical way while providing services to them. This would also help in encouraging customers to use the ARAW token card as often as possible.
Author : Anggita dewi


What is Zeto?
Zeto is a software company that provides food safety solutions to global retailers. Our customers include some of the world's largest brands and coolers. We are now launching a measurable global food supply chain operated by Blockchain.
About Zeto
The demand for food is increasing. With increasing world population and rising incomes, growth of 60% is expected by 2050. This demand leads to an increasingly complex and fragmented food supply chain with more players bridging further distances. Retailers are responsible for ensuring that the food they sell meets the highest standards of food safety. However, they depend on providing safe products and reliable data for the continued use of these products in the supply chain. They are therefore vulnerable and can not protect themselves from the threat of food contamination, product deprivation and fraud.
Resellers need smarter solutions, using cutting-edge technologies to reduce these risks, increase their profits and strengthen their reputation as a brand.
Zeto provides cloud-based SaaS solutions for the global commercial refrigeration industry. We leverage the advanced data analysis and IoT technologies to provide our customers with an intelligent cooling management platform that enables them to lower their costs through efficiency and provide independent and automated HACCP temperature monitoring and reporting.
Our IoT platform is used by major retail brands worldwide. But his needs changed. They want more transparency in the cold chain, more traceability of their fresh produce and above all, they want to win the trust of their customers by ensuring that their products stay safe in every cold chain.
With the development of blockchain technology, Zeto can meet this requirement. Our customers can manage the entire cold chain on our new blockchain platform ZetoChain.
With ZetoChain, grocers, restaurants and global food companies know that the food they sell is of the highest quality. And they will have documentation to ensure that quality, which they can share with customers, producers and all those involved in the cold chain.
Customers can use their cell phones to scan labels on meat, dairy or other foods they want to buy or consume. You can then track the product back to its source to see that the product has been handled, transported, and stored throughout its lifecycle in a secure environment.
Zeto strives to use the latest technological advances to ensure food security. The blockchain technology is new, but we have been working in the food trade for years. We know the challenges that retailers face. We understand cold chain. And we already have a platform that will form the basis of ZetoChain. We are well positioned to leverage this powerful new technology and provide end-to-end solutions to retailers to help them improve their efficiency, save money, protect their brands and make their cold chain fully transparent.
The purpose of the project. Provides uninterrupted and fully controlled delivery of goods that require cold storage and transportation (transportation), using a decentralized intelligent platform, Zeto. ZetoChain technology allows consumers and manufacturers to monitor and monitor the quality of products delivered with mobile applications.
Problem. It has long been a secret that the high growth rates of food consumption in Europe and America are marked by perseverance every year. Every year, the demands on product quality increase. Consumers want to see a safe product with quality assurance. Retailers also want to follow the rules for transportation, storage and product movement. In particular, for goods in which special conditions (temperature, humidity, etc.) for the security on the shelves are crucial. Of course, companies want to retain their brand name and their partners. However, in this rather uncomfortable chain - from the exit of the conveyor belt to the consumer basket - you can lose some of the out-of-control connections, which unfortunately happens and still happens.
Technology.Tim Zeto has a lot of experience in food sales. This capability allows the introduction of blocking technology into existing systems. Zeto recognizes that retailers today need a smart solution that enables the use of cutting-edge technology to reduce the associated costs and risks. Undoubtedly, leadership in solving smart technologies plays a role in increasing profits and brand reputation. Zeto proposes to introduce SaaS (Software as a Service) technology for the global commercial refrigeration industry. Zeto uses data analysis and Internet of Things (IoT) technology to operate ZetoChain's Smart Platform Ecosystem to control refrigerators.
Given the difficult issues and responsibility for the product's supplier, the decentralized ZetoChain food safety control platform is the industry's best solution.
The Project Ecosystem Before leaving the production line, each product is marked with a bar code, which is determined by the platform by means of a smart contract containing the technological parameters of the transport conditions (eg temperature and humidity). Then the product is taken to a cold room equipped with a sensor which in turn controls the parameters set in real time. In this case, tracking is available in mobile apps. When the goods reach the dealer, the tracking system continues to work. Buyers can get acquainted with product storage histories through the mobile app prior to purchase. When the product is sold, the system detects compliance with all transportation and storage phases, confirms security, and only after the smart contract has been marked as overwritten.
Conclusion: This project is very promising in my opinion. The idea of the project is simple and transparent. The project team consists of 20 members, founders and developers, including 5 consultants. The team itself is experienced, specialists from both IT areas as well as from the logistics industry and the food supply are represented. Of course, the project was not born spontaneously, the project documentation was well prepared, colorful informative pages with graphical and textual information, detailed statistical studies and data presented. So far, the project has competitors, but the technology offered by Zeto has no analogues so far. The industry is like the goods traffic a big cash turnover, but the main motivation is to be successful - customer-oriented and high-quality goods,
  • Sales details of token ZetoTokens:
  • Date of sale: from 9 to 31 July
  • Token type: Ethereum ERC20
  • Application method: ETH
  • Total tokens: 340 million ZetoTokens
  • Sale for sale: 150 million ZetoTokens
  • Reserved for pre-sale: 40.8 million ZetoTokens
  • Giftprice: 8.5 million ZetoTokens
  • For private investors: 24.7 million ZetoTokens
  • Reserved for Zeto: 116 million.
  • Price ZetoTokens: $ 1/10 tokens
  • Sign up now:
further information:

Author : Anggita dewi
Bitcointalk URL:;u=1690762