Senin, 22 Oktober 2018


Well if you are a fan of EOS nor a holder of EOS then probably this article will get your interest .

What is EOSex?

Way back in 2017 in anticipation of the coming explosive growth in the EOS ecosystem. Now, with EOS already off and running, the has also successfully gone live! The EOSex team members include solid professionals from across the fields of blockchain, finance, IT, and law, and are backed by well-respected heavyweight blockchain investors (such as Broad Harvest Capital) who have all come together to create a global exchange that is secure, self-governing, high-performance, and transparent. The exchange uses a mining system that has been specially designed to prevent the types of massive collapses that have already been seen on other exchanges. Plus, EOSex is truly community-based--a true DAC, where 100% of exchange profits are distributed back to all EXP (EOS Exchange Proof) token holders, and where all EXP token holders have a say in exchange policies, in voting for new listings, and participating in other exchange programs and promotions. EOSex is designed from the ground up to be a fair, open, and transparent exchange. In addition to the trading of cryptocurrencies, EOSex will also offer trading in CFDs, as well as on-chain token trading—thereby satisfying the needs of all types of investors.

A new exchange for EOS community has gone live and will have a crowd sale this coming October 15 - November 20 , 2018 . Public sale will be divided into three rounds .

For now you can deposit and withdraw EOS , ETH , IQ ( Everipedia ) . Additional to that EOSbet is already have partnership with EOSex . EOSbet is a provably fair casino with instant and free betting via the http://EOS.IO blockchain!


The exchange is also user-friendly especially if you are new to exchange site .

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