Minggu, 27 Januari 2019


that everything you own are kept safely and securely; it could be your academicals certificates, it could be a land owned property, it could be your vehicle particulars and with crypto currency at large; it could also be the private keys to your etherum account, it could be the passphrase to your blockchain application account, it could be the 16 codes 2fa security codes that protects your exchanges account or it could be anything at all. How do you securely keep those files? How do you safeguard your files? How do you protect it from cracked flash drives or disks? How do you protect files like slides, tutorials, videos, docs, books, photos, cliparts etc. that could be useful to others? Can files on your computer, CD/DVD, USB or similar storage media be stored forever?
These are sort of questions that range in the minds of people of youthful age and this is a prominent problem in the world today. Other than that as well, there are few problems when it comes to sharing files online, the prominent problems faced are either non-competitive legal alternatives for illegal file sharing, insufficient data preservation for future generations and limited free to use file sharing. With the recent happenings in the world, as regard crypto currency and blockchain technology, and to bring a long lasting solution to this troubles and difficulties of files storage and also sharing of files online, I introduce to us FILES.FM LIBRARY which is a P2P file catalog and marketplace with intelligent search engine and blockchain payments
What is File.FM Library?
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File.FM Library is a decentralized project that aims to unite the blockchain technology and the people to form a semi decentralized data platform on an open and equal basis for all to use. Files.fm Library will combine the existing digital library creation principles with new hybrid semi-decentralized technology, using P2P fog network of web browsers in order to reduce the costs and limitations of centralized digital libraries. The Library will focus heavily on creating and maintaining a community of volunteers, who would upload, tag and oversee useful files and who in return would be rewarded with FFM tokens.
With series of problems ranging from legality of items, books, files, e.t.c File.FM Library will seriously focus on the legal issues that are involved in file sharing. File.FM Library will implement technologies for illegal content control as well; File.FM Library will cooperate with content creators too. File.FM Library will also use various technologies and techniques for content control, e.g artificial intelligence and community involvement. File.FM Library will follow and comply with the content publishing law regarding content creators and owners.
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More importantly, Files.fm Library will be a free to use hybrid-decentralized P2P data platform, built and maintained through the collective efforts of the Files.fm and community, based on shared traffic, storage, direct micropayments and token incentives. Other solutions are:
  1. It provides useful content gathered by community
  2. Clear and convenient legal control of content
  3. The platform is built on two decentralized bases:
        P2P file sharing network in a browser
        P2P payments system on blockchain
  4. It helps to Free Space on Computer
  5. It enables Watching of Movies Legally for Free
  6. Authors Can Earn Money from Storing Their Files
  7. Users will be able to embed FFL widget to create their own Files.fm Library’s branch in their websites, allowing them to publish files in a cost effective manner.
Are you looking to focus investment on files fm library? or you are needing further information on how to save your files from now on and be calm and relaxed about it, I can assure you that files fm library is the best place to be, kindly look up the following links:
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(Anggita dewi)

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